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Recipe: special crunchy cookies

Dish: unique crispy cookies

Unique Crunchy Cookies
26% calorie decrease from standard dish

1/2 mug stick butter or margarine, softened
1 mug Equal ® Spoonful *.
1 egg.
1 tsp vanilla.
4 mugs KELLOGG’S ® SPECIAL K ® grain, squashed to 1 1/2 mugs.
1 mug all-purpose flour.
1 tsp cooking powder.
1/4 tsp salt.
1/2 mug mini semi-sweet delicious chocolate chips.

Makes regarding 4 loads cookies.

* May replace 24 packages Equal ® sugar.

Mix in integrated 1 mug smashed grain, flour, cooking powder and salt up until well combined. Roll in staying 1/2 mug smashed grain.

Nourishment details per offering (1 cookie): 46 cal., 1 g pro., 5 g carb., 3 g fat, 9 mg chol., 43 mg salt.

Food exchanges: 1/2 starch, 1/2 fat.

Bake in preheated 375 level F stove 8 to 10 mins. Eliminate from cooking sheet and great entirely on cake rack.

Mix in incorporated 1 mug smashed grain, flour, cooking powder and salt till well mixed. Mix in delicious chocolate chips. Forming dough right into rounds utilizing rounded determining tsps. Roll in continuing to be 1/2 mug smashed grain.

Beat butter and Equal ® on tool rate of mixer up until light and cosy. Beat in egg and vanilla till well integrated.